Spend less time thinking about food. Know exactly what to eat, what to buy, and how to make it.
Knowing where to begin with your nutrition is a common challenge for most people. I work with you to develop a realistic, healthy eating plan that you can sustain. By first analyzing your daily intake of macronutrients (proteins/fats/carbs), micronutrients (vitamins/minerals) and fiber, I will customize a simple nutrition plan that is easy to follow and helps you meet your body’s needs.
Working in partnership with Eat Love Pro, you will have online access to a “Nutrition Prescription” that includes the following:
Meal recommendations based on your specific needs, preferences, and cooking skill level
Coaching to help guide you and keep on track
Easy recipes including smart restaurant choices
Grocery lists with optional delivery
Step by step prep schedules.
My one on one support and guidance will ensure you have the resources you need to stay on track. Life is busy. This simple approach will take the guesswork out of planning, saving you time and helping you achieve your nutrition and lifestyle goals with ease.
Get started on your health journey today!
There are two options to choose from and include a free 30-minute introduction to the platform. Meal plan subscriptions are available for $39 per month, or $99 with a three-month commitment.
**You can cancel anytime after the first 30 days of your subscription and prior to your next scheduled payment.
Please note that a monthly meal subscription does not include a medical nutrition therapy (MNT) consultation with the dietitian. To review your health history, symptoms and goals, please schedule an appointment for 1:1 counseling.